Career Focus is a premier institute of the
region that imparts quality education and prepares the young men and women to
face the challenge of stiff-necked competition with confidence and emerge
institute has been set up with a view to fill up the void created by
non-availability of a similar entity, which could serve as a guiding force for
the youth of the area, whose potential goes unnoticed and unharnessed for want
of proper information and coaching related to competition opportunities. Thus,
millions of dreams are shattered before they are realized or
sometimes even before they are conceived. Moreover, there is growing tendency
of the local youth to look up and move to metros for fulfilment of
their coaching needs, which makes a deep cut into their pockets. This also
involves a wastage of lot of time and energy, which
if utilized efficiently might be the deciding factor in emerging
victorious at various examinations. In the prevailing situations, the idea of
setting up an institute to help the youth realize their dreams
at affordable cost paved the way for CAREER FOCUS to come into existence.
The motto of our institution is a
manifestation of the philosophy of “One who dares, wins.” One who has courage
to dream, also has courage to succeed. One has to have courage to dream of big
things that motivate him to work for accomplishment of his dream and emerge
successful. This will definitely serve as a guiding spirit for majority of
young men and women who do not even dare to dream of being selected for higher
posts because of ignorance and lack of motivation.