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SAMPADA – Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing & Development of Agro-Processing Clusters

Governance & Legislation
Date: 05 May 2017
Scheme for Agro-Marine Processing & Development of Agro-Processing Clusters (SAMPADA) – an umbrella scheme to integrate various ongoing schemes like the Mega Food Parks, Integrated Cold Chain, Food Safety & Quality and some new schemes like the Infrastructure for Agro-Processing Clusters, Creation of Backward & Forward Linkage and Creation / Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities; has been approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. This scheme is intended to cover a five year period from 2016 to 2020 and is likely to greatly boost the Food Processing sector. 

India’s First Private Sector Small Arms Manufacturing Unit Unveiled

Defence & Security
Date: 05 May 2017
India’s first private sector small arms manufacturing plant has been inaugurated at Malanpur in Madhya Pradesh. This unit is a joint venture of India based Punj Lloyd Raksha Systems Pvt Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of infrastructure giant Punj Lloyd, and Israel Weapon Industries (IWI). The plant will manufacture small arms X95 Carbine & Assault Rifle, Galil Sniper Rifle, Tavor Assault Rifle and Negev Light Machine Gun for use by Indian forces as well as for export to other countries of the world. This is likely to greatly boost the defence indigenisation programme and will help in replacing the outdated small arms and weaponry being used by our forces. 

Facebook’s “Express Wi-Fi” Launched in India

Business & Corporate Affairs
Date: 05 May 2017
Facebook has launched its low cost, high bandwidth service to complement mobile data offerings commercially across four states of Gujrat, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand & Meghalaya by setting up 700 hotspots. The company intends to expand this service throughout the country by setting up at least 20000 hotspots in partnership with leading private telecom player Bharti Airtel. Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria & Tanzania are the other countries where the company is already providing the Express Wi-Fi services.